Event Schedule

So You Want Your Dog to Become a Therapy Dog?

GREAT – You are invited to come to this free event to learn more about the exciting opportunities and considerations necessary to become a therapy dog team with your favorite furry friend. Topics will include specifying the requirements of the dog and the handler for Pet Therapy, and information on how to get started. The session will provide an overview of Pet Partners Therapy Animal Programs, the nation’s largest nonprofit organization that registers volunteer teams (human & pet) to provide animal-assisted interventions.

You MUST register in advance for this “human only” event (email Val to register). Classes that include the canine participants will be offered when demand has been determined.

Pet Partners Therapy Animal Programs are for those interested in volunteering in their community by sharing a beloved pet with others. Volunteers choose where they would most like to donate their time and determine their own schedule and level of commitment. Whether the handler feels passionately connected to a cause such as Alzheimer’s, enjoys working with specific populations such as Veterans, or looks forward to reading with children, the therapy team will affect a difference locally. Pet Partners certification process, registers volunteer therapy teams that are widely regarded as prepared, professional, and welcomed in thousands of venues throughout the country and worldwide. The benefits of the visits to the recipients are indisputable, while the body of supporting research grows daily. If you and your pet would like to give back to your community while deriving joy, fulfillment, and personal satisfaction by volunteering, consider becoming involved with the Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program.

You are invited to attend this event to learn more about the considerations and requirements of therapy teams. The session will be presented by Janet Ellis, educator, experienced Pet Partner Therapy dog handler, and Pet Partners Therapy Team Evaluator. Her Therapy Dog Team has logged over 800 hours in the past 6 years credited to therapy visits in local facilities. Please, no dogs at this event.